Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Kamus Besar Bahasa KASKUS

Administrator Kaskus = Andrew Darwis
Admin – Administrator = orang yang mengurusi administrasi
Abu Gosok = Reputasi kosong, tidak ada reputasi
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
Afgan = Sadis (umumnya digunakan untuk menawar harga yang kelewat jauh dari harga asli di FJB
Agan = lihat “Juragan”
Agreement = Persetujuan
AKA = As Known As, alias
AKTB = Akses Kaskus Tanpa Banner
Aktivis Kaskus = Pangkat kaskus untuk ID dengan jumlah post 500 – 749
Alay = Anak Layangan, norak atau kampungan
AMH = Anime Manga Haven
ASAP = As Soon As Posible
Avatar = gambar identitas member
Aq = aku, saya

Banned ID = ID yang dilarang masuk, karena suatu kesalahan/pelanggaran tertentu
Bata – Bata Merah = reputasi jelek, ditandai dengan kotak kecil berwarna merah di bawah ID user
BB = 1. buka-bukaan, gambar dewasa 2. BlackBerry  3. barang bekas
BB+17 = gambar dewasa 17 tahun ke atas
Beibe – Beibeh = lihat “BB” istilah 1
Blog = tulisan di halaman web, salah satu fitur di Kaskus
BnB = Bet n Bookies
BNIB = Brand New In Box (digunkan di FJB)
BNWOT = Brand New Without Tag, barang baru tapi tidak ada tag harga & merknya (digunakan di FJB)
BNWT = Brand New With Tag
Bokep = blue film, filem dewasa
Boneng = bener
Bookmark = menandai situs atau halaman yang akan disimpan
Bot = suatu program untuk menjalankan perintah otomatis
BP = Berita dan Politik
BRB = Be Right Back
Bro – Brotha = Brother
BRP = lihat “Bata”
BSH = Barisan Sakit Hati
BTW = By The Way
Bukmak = lihat “bookmark”
BW = Bandwidth, kapasitas akses
BWK = Bandwidth Killer

Cacat = calon cantik
Captcha = image verification, berupa hurup, angka atau kombinasi keduanya
Capcay = lihat “captcha”
CCPB = Cara Curang & Program Bajakan
Cendol = reputasi bagus, ditandai dengan kotak kecil berwarna hijau di bawah ID user
CMIIW = Corect Me If I Wrong
Co-Admin = Pembantu Administrator Kaskus
COD = Cash On Delivery
Community = komunitas
Copas = Copy Paste
CP = Control Panel
Ctrl+D = 1. lihat “bookmark” 2. Shortcut untuk melakukan bookmark
CYSTG = Can You Solve This Game

Dagumen = Sebutan untuk Aburiezal Bakrie atau Mimin Kaskus Andrew Darwis (tergantung konteksnya)
DC = Debate Club
Dejavu = lihat “repost”
Delon = Derita Loe Nyet
DL = Download
DPMP = Digital Photography Manual Photography
Dobol = Dobel Post
Dodol = lambat, lemot, jelek
Donat = istilah lain Donatur
Donatur = member Kaskus yang melakukan donasi ke Kaskus
Donlot – Donlod = lihat “Download”
Download = menyalin berkas/file dari internet untuk disimpan di komputer
DP = Disturbing Pictures

EF = English Forum
Emoticon = simbol untuk mewakili ekpresi kita pada saat memposting thread atau komentar

FAQ = Frequently Asked Question, pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan
FBI = Fans Bang Ipul, Ipul – Garnet Band
FJ = Forum Jokes, Full Job
FJB = Forum Jual Beli
Formil = Forum Militer
Forsup = Forum Supranatural
Fovie = Forum Movies
FR = Field Report, laporan langsung dari lapangan
FR2 = Forum Kendaraan Roda Dua (motor)
FR4 = Forum Kendaraan Roda Empat (mobil)
FU = Factory Unlocked
Fullset = istilah lain full aksesoris (FJB HP)
FYI = For Your Information

G = 1. lihat “Gw” 2. nggak, tidak
Gajebo = Gak Jelas Bo
Gan = lihat “juragan”
Gathering = ngumpul bareng sesama member
Gokil = lucu gila
GRP = lihat “Cendol”
Gw = gue, saya

H2H = Heart To Heart
Hansip = report post, lapor penyalahgunaan
HJ = Hand Job
Hoax = berita bohong, tidak bersumber
Hode = Hoax Detected
Hot Thread = thread yang banyak direply dan masuk halaman depan Kaskus
Hot Trit = lihat “Hot Thread”

ID = Identitas, nama member
Iful – Ipul = vokalis Garnet Band, sangat “terkenal” di Kaskus
IGO = Indonesian Girl Only
IGOers = penggemar IGO
Ijo-ijo = lihat “Cendol”
Image = gambar
Img = lihat “Image”
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
Inpo – Inpoh = Info
ISO – ISO 2000 = jumlah postingan 2000, bisa memberi cendol atau bata

Japri = Jalur pribadi, istilah lain PM
Junk = post yang tidak bermutu, tidak jelas, sampah
Junker = oknum, pelaku Junk
Juragan = panggilan kepada sesama member Kaskus

KASKUS = The Largest Indonesian Community
Kamsud = istilah lain maksud
Kaskus Addict = pangkat setingkat di atas Kaskus Holic, dengan jumlah post 1.000 – 3.999
Kaskus Freak = pangkat setingkat di atas Kaskus Geek, dengan jumlah post 25.000 – 49.999
Kaskus Geek = pangkat setingkat di atas Kaskus Maniac, dengan jumlah post 10.000 – 24.999
Kaskus Holic = pangkat setingkat di atas Aktivis Kaskus, dengan jumlah post 750 – 999
Kaskus Maniac = pangkat setingkat di atas Kaskus Addict, dengan jumlah post 4.000 – 9.999
Kaskuser = 1. pangkat setingkat di atas Newbie, dengan jumlah post 100 – 499 2. sebutan untuk member Kaskus
KBBK = Kamus Besar Bahasa KasKus
ki-kil = Kaskus (kata ki-kil tanpa (-) di Kaskus akan otomatis berubah menjadi Kaskus)
Kimpoi = ka-win (kata ka-win tanpa (-) di Kaskus akan otomatis berubah menjadi kimpoi)
Klonengan = berasal dari kata klon, bukan ID sebenarnya, ID palsu, ID turunan
Kolor ijo = lihat “Cendol”
Komunitas = kumpulan beberapa orang yang mempunyai visi, misi, maksud dan tujuan
Kopdar = Kopi Darat, ketemuan, ngumpul bareng
KSP = Kritik Saran & Pertanyaan
Kulkas = istilah untuk menyebut Control Panel
KW = barang tiruan aslinya, makin kecil angka dibelakang KW makin baik kualitasnya

Lebay = berlebihan
LOL = Laugh out loud, tertawa terbahak-bahak
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off, hampir sama kayak LOL

Made in Kaskus = pangkat tertinggi di Kaskus, dengan jumlah post 50.000 atau lebih
Maho = Manusia Homo, laki-laki pecinta sesama jenis
Maintenance = pemeliharaan server Kaskus
Maintenis = kihat “main tennis”
Malingsial – Malingshit = sebutan untuk Malaysia
Malon = sebutan untuk orang Malaysia
Mantab – Mangstab = istilah lain mantap
Meganil =  Sebutan untuk megawati
Megashit = Megaupload
Mikocok = istilah lain Microsoft
MILF = Mother I’d Like To F**k
Mimin = lihat “Administrator Kaskus”
Mince = lihat “Administrator Kaskus”
Mint Condition = barang masih dalam kondisi baru, belum pernah dipakai (digunakan di FJB)
Moderator = orang kepercayaan administrator untuk menjaga forum
Momod = lihat “Moderator”
Mov = Movie
Multi Quote = mengutip beberapa tulisan/komentar sekaligus, sementara fitur ini tidak aktif
Mysterious Man = Team Server kaskus

Nais – Naiz = nice
Newbie = new member, pangkat terendah dalam Kaskus, dengan jumlah post 0 – 99
Ngamar = check in, booking hotel
Ngondoy = lihat “Toge”
Nocan = Nomer Cantik
No Offense = istilah lain piss, tidak ingin memancing perdebatan
Nubi = lihat “newbie”
Nubitol = kata makian untuk newbie, newbie tol*l, newbie k*n*ol
Nurdin Halid = ketua PSSI yang tidak mau turun
Nurdin Silit = lihat “Nurdin Halid”
Nyubi = lihat “newbie”

OANC = Outdoor Adventure & Nature Clubs
OC = Ori Cina, barang KW yg hampir sama persis dari aslinya, Ori Copotan (FJB HP)
Offline = tidak terhubung dalam jaringan
Off = lihat “Offline”
OL = On Line
Omdo = omong doang
Ongkir = Ongkos Kirim (FJB)
Online = sedang terhubung dalam jaringan
OOT = Out Of Topic

PARSI = Persatuan Anti Repost Seluruh Indonesia
Perpakin = Persatuan Pertamax Indonesia
Pertamax = orang yang pertama kali me-reply suatu thread
PI = Personal Insult (Soccer Room)
PM = Private Message
Polishit = kata makian / istilah lain untuk polisi
Post = mengirim, me-reply
Prikitiw = preview

Quote = mengutip tulisan/komentar dalam suatu thread

Rapidshit = rapidshare
Regional Leader = user yang dipercaya untuk mengatur forum regional user yang bersangkutan
Rekber = Rekening Bersama
Repost = Thread yang diulang, dimunculkan kembali
Req = request
ROFL = Roll On The Floor Laughing, ketawa guling2
ROFLMAO = Roll On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off, ketawa ngakak guling2
Roy Sukro = lihat “Roy Suryo”
Roy Suryo = pakar IT, sangat “terkenal” di Kaskus
RP = Reputation Point, fitur di Kaskus untuk mengetahui reputasi user
RS = Roy Suryo

Sedot = istilah lain download
Setubuh = istilah lain setuju
Share – Sharing = berbagi informasi
Signature = salah satu fasilitas di Kaskus yang kini ditiadakan
Sis – Sist = Sister
Sleepy Admin = istilah lain Administrator Kaskus
Smiley = simbol untuk mewakili ekpresi kita pada saat posting thread atau komentar
Sob = kebalikan dari Bos, bisa berarti sobat
Sotosop = istilah lain Photoshop, gambar editan
Sotoy = sok tahu
SP = Surat Pembaca
Speedy = salah satu internet provider
Spidol = Speedy dodol
Spoiler = kotak yang digunakan untuk menyembunyikan file dalam setiap post
Status User = menujukan user dalam keadaan Online atau Offline di Kaskus
Sticky = tempel, thread yang ditempel di halaman satu
Stupeedy = istilah lain speedy
SU = Sofware Unlocked
Sukro = lihat “Roy Suryo”
Sundul = mengangkat trit ke permukaan, agar bisa dilihat dan direply
SWT = 1. Same With, 2. So What, 3.Sweat (berkeringat), 4.So Wating Time

TBC = Turut Berduka Cita
Tembus = biasanya digunakan untuk menyamakan IMEI (FJB HP)
TFS = Thanks For Share
Thread Starter = orang yang membuat tulisan dalam forum
Thread = tulisan atau buah pikiran seseorang dalam forum
TIA = Thanks In Advance
Titid – Titit = lihat “Thread”
TKP = istilah lain link yang ada di Kaskus, Tempat Kejadian Perkara
Toge = payudara besar
Trit = istilah lain thread
TS = Thread Starter
Tq = tengkyu

Unduh – Mengunduh = download
Up = lihat “sundul”
Update = pembaharuan
Used = barang bekas pakai, second hand (FJB)
User = istilah lain anggota, pengguna atau member

VIXUS = Vixion Kaskus Community
VM = visitor messages

WOT = Women On Top
WP = Wanita Panggilan
WTA = Want To Ask
WTB = Want To Buy
WTF = Want To Find, What The F*ck
WTH = What The Hell
WTK = Want To Know, Welcome To Kaskus
WTS = Want To Sell
WTT = Want To Trade

Tahukah Anda?

Asal Usul Apel di Logo Apple

Gambar buah apel yang tergigit menjadi logo Apple yang begitu populer saat ini. Awalnya, perusahaan Steve Jobs tersebut menggunakan logo bergambar Isaac Newton yang sedang duduk di bawah pohon apel. Logo yang didesain Ronald Wayne ini dibuat tahun 1976.
Logo itu kemudian diubah Rob Janoff menjadi buah apel berpelangi yang digunakan dari tahun 1976-1998. Selanjutnya logo yang digunakan hingga saat ini adalah buah apel tergigit. Konon, gigitan apel tersebut terinspirasi dari Alan Turning, bapak komputer modern yang mengakhiri hidup dengan memakan apel yang mengandung sianida.
DirectX, Ide Sederhana Microsoft

Sebelum adanya DirectX, programer-programer game membuat sendiri alur antara device dengan software. Arsitektur PC sebelum Windows ini memang sangat rumit.
Namun Microsoft membuat ide sederhana yakni membuat utility yang memudahkan programer ‘berbicara’ secara langsung kepada hardware. Ide ini mulai diperkenalkan tahun 1995 dan akhirnya menjadi standar pengembangan multimedia pada platfrom Windows dengan diberi nama DirectX.
Tahukah Anda Kantor Pertama Google

Larry Page dan Sergey Brin adalah dua tokoh utama di balik kesuksesan Google. Sebelum meraksasa seperti sekarang atau saat mereka berusia 24 tahun, pondasi bisnis Google dibangun dari sebuah garasi yang juga merangkap sebagai kantor.

Pencipta WWW

Tim Berners Lee adalah sang penemu konsep World Wide Web (www) pertama kali pada tahun 1991. Hingga kini ia adalah orang yang sangat rendah hati.
Salah satu kontribusi terbesarnya dalam memajukan World Wide Web adalah dengan tidak mempatenkannya sehingga masih dapat digunakan secara bebas. Cobalah anda beripikir seandainya ia dulu mematenkan konsep www tersebut, barangkali internet tak akan seperti sekarang.
PC Pertama IBM

Personal Computer (PC) adalah konsep komputer untuk pengguna perorangan yang diwujudkan oleh IBM pada 1981. Model pertama IBM PC adalah 5150 yang berbasis prosesor Intel 8088 dan sistem operasi Microsoft DOS. Namun mulai 1983, IBM PC mulai tergeser dengan adanya ‘kloning’ pertama yang ditelurkan Compaq.
Pencetus Istilah Trojan Horse

Adalah Daniel Edwards dari National Security Agency (NSA) yang diakui mencetuskan istilah Trojan Horse untuk program jahat yang menyelinap dalam komputer korban. Inspirasinya tentu dari Kuda Troya yang digunakan bangsa Yunani untuk mengalahkan bangsa Troya dan mengambilalih kota Troya.
Mouse 2 Tombol Pertama Dikenalkan

Microsoft pertama kali mengenalkan mouse 2-tombol pada 2 Mei 1983. Namun sukses baru diraup produk yang dirancang untuk Microsoft Word itu pada tahun 1985. Meski dipopulerkan oleh Microsoft, Xerox bisa jadi adalah pihak pertama yang menelurkan mouse 2 tombol ke pasaran pada 1970-an.
Aksi ‘Hacking’ Bill Gates Muda

Sewaktu muda Gates dikenal gemar mengotak-atik sistem komputer. Termasuk, bersama tiga rekannya, untuk mendapatkan akses gratisan. Namun yang paling unik, saat diminta membuat program penjadwalan di sekolah ia mengatur agar dirinya selalu ditempatkan dalam kelas yang banyak siswa wanita.
Badai Salju Lahirkan Forum Online Pertama

Cikal bakal forum online adalah Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS). Program ini digarap oleh Ward Cristensen yang terjebak di rumahnya saat Chicago dilandai badai salju besar tahun 1978. Badai tersebut memberikan waktu bagi Christensen untuk fokus menggarap CBBS selama dua minggu.
Dimana Webserver Pertama Dunia
Webserver pertama di dunia adalah komputer NeXT yang digunakan oleh Tim Berners-Lee. Kini komputer itu dipamerkan dalam sebuah lemari kaca di CERN, Jenewa, Swiss.
Aplikasi Spreadsheet Pertama

Aplikasi spreadsheet (seperti Microsoft Excel) komersial pertama di dunia adalah VisiCalc. Program ini dikembangkan oleh Ed Frankston dan Dan Bricklin untuk digunakan pada komputer Apple II di tahun 1979. ‘Peniru’ yang muncul kemudian termasuk SuperCalc, Microsoft MultiPlan dan Lotus 1-2-3.
Asal Muasal Nama Malware Storm

Keluarga program jahat Storm memperoleh namanya dari video bertajuk ‘Storm Video’ yang berisi pemantauan tim F-Secure terhadap penyebarannya. Video itu dilihat 880.000 kali lebih.
Pengguna Laptop Pertama Dunia

Meski tak sepopuler Osborne 1, GRiD Compass 1100 (1982) kerap disebut sebagai laptop pertama. Saat itu, pengguna yang mampu membeli hanya NASA dan Angkatan Bersenjata AS.
Pemabuk Awali Revolusi Video Game

Para tukang minum minuman beralkohol bisa jadi adalah kelompok yang mengawali revolusi video game. Pasalnya game legendaris Pong pertama kali dipasang pada kedai minum Andy Capp’s di California.
Pegawai pertama Apple Inc

Insinyur komputer Daniel Kottke adalah pegawai pertama Apple Inc. Sahabat Steve Jobs ini dikenal sebagai yang membangun dan menguji Apple I bersama Steve Wozniak.
Suara Startup Windows 95

Suara yang muncul saat Windows 95 dimulai komposisinya dibuat oleh musisi Brian Eno. Ironisnya, mengingat Eno adalah pengguna Macintosh, bisa jadi ia membuatnya di komputer Mac.
Kotak Koin pada Game Arcade Pertama

Game arcade pertama di dunia adalah Computer Space hasil rancangan Nolan Bushnell. Mesin game itu menggunakan kaleng pengencer cat (thinner) untuk menyimpan koin yang dimasukkan pemain.
Koran Pertama yang Online

Koran cetak pertama yang bisa dibaca online adalah Columbus Dispatch. Hal ini terjadi lewat sebuah eksperimen bersama Associated Press dan CompuServe pada 1 Juli 1980.
Bagaimana menyebut @


Orang Indonesia menyebutnya ‘et’ atau ‘a keong’. Di Cina namanya ‘tikus kecil’. Di Swedia dan Denmark namanya ‘belalai gajah’. Di Jerman ’spider monkey’. Di Italia ‘keong’. Orang Israel menyebutnya ’strudel’
Jumlah Kolom dan Baris Microsoft Excel

Tau gak sih, ternyata jumlah kolom pada Microsoft Excel berjumlah 256, yang dimulai dari abjad A hingga IV. Sedangkan jumlah barisnya mencapai 65.536 baris.
Cikal-bakal layanan instant messaging

Cikal-bakal layanan instant messaging adalah layanan bernama ‘talk’ pada Unix. Meski bukan yang pertama, layanan itu populer di kalangan akademisi era 1980-1990′an.
CD Pertama yang Dicetak untuk Dijual

Cakram Digital (CD) pertama yang dicetak (pressed) secara massal untuk dijual di Amerika Serikat adalah ‘Born In The U.S.A’, album musik kondang karya Bruce Springsteen.
Ikon Save dalam Aplikasi Microsoft Word Terbalik

Ikon Save, untuk menyimpan file, dalam aplikasi Microsoft Word merupakan gambar sebuah disket. Namun dibandingkan disket sungguhan, gambar itu ternyata terbalik posisinya.
Folder ‘Terlarang’ di Sistem Operasi Windows

Di sistem operasi Microsoft Windows, pengguna tak akan pernah bisa membuat folder ataupun file dengan nama Con. Ini berlaku untuk semua jenis file. Apa sebabnya? Nama tersebut konon ‘dikunci’ oleh Windows sebagai nama sebuah device.
Pembuat Flash Drive Pertama

Tahukah Anda bahwa Flash Drive pertama kali dibuat oleh IBM? Tahun 1998 IBM merancang produk tersebut sebagai pengganti floppy drive pada notebook ThinkPad-nya. Meskipun demikian, IBM memilih tak mematenkan karya tersebut.
Tahukah Anda Spesifikasi Hardisk Pertama
Hardisk diciptakan pertama kali oleh insinyur IBM, Reynold Johnson di tahun 1952. Terdiri dari 50 piringan berukuran 2 kaki (0,6 meter), kecepatan rotasinya mencapai 1200 rpm dengan kapasitas penyimpanan 5 MB. Hardisk jaman sekarang ada yang selebar 0,6 cm dengan kapasitas 400 GB.
Tahukah Asal-usul Lambang @ di E-mail

Kehadiran e-mail atau surat elektronik memudahkan pekerjaan kita, terutama untuk mengirim file-file secara cepat. Dalam alamat e-mail, kita menggunakan lambang @ atau yang sering dibaca at. Namun, tahukah Anda asal-usul lambang yang begitu sederhana tapi penting itu?
Di tahun 1972, seorang insinyur pendiam bernama Ray Tomlison sukses mengirimkan e-mail pertama antara dua mesin. Waktu itu ia memilih menggunakan lambang @. Alasannya ternyata sederhana, karena menurutnya lambang itu lumayan membantu sebab mirip huruf a untuk address atau alamat lembaga pemilik e-mail yang dituju. Dari sinilah lambang @ terus dipakai hingga sekarang.
Mitos di Balik Maskot Linux

Tahukah anda nama pinguin lucu menggemaskan yang menjadi maskot Linux? Ya namanya adalah Tux.
Tux ini konon berasal dari kata Torvald + Unix = Tux. Linus Torvald sendiri adalah sang perintis pengembangan Kernel Linux. Penamaan ini mirip dengan penamaan Linux yang merupakan gabungan dari Linus + Unix.
Ada sebuah kisah, yang entah benar atau tidak, tentang mengapa sesosok pinguin yang dijadikan Torvalds sebagai logo Linux. Konon pada suatu hari Torvalds pernah dipatuk oleh seekor pinguin saat berjalan-jalan di taman Perth.
Setelah dipatuk, ia pun menjadi demam selama berhari-hari. Kemudian ia berpikir bahwa pinguin ini cocok digunakan sebagai logo Linux.
Dengan badan pinguin yang gemuk, tersenyum, lucu, menggemaskan dan digambarkan
sedang beristirahat, akhirnya Tux dipilih sebagai maskot Linux. Tux yang digunakan secara ‘resmi’ adalah buatan Larry Ewing.
Nama Kode Prosesor dan IC

Intel gemar menggunakan nama geografis, terutama sungai di Amerika Serikat bagian barat, untuk menyebut produknya yang masih dalam pengembangan misalnya Deschutes atau Willamette. Sedangkan AMD lebih memilih nama kota-kota seperti Manchester, Newcastle atau Brisbane.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eric Johnson
Background information
Also known as "EJ"
Born August 17, 1954 (age 58)
Austin, Texas, United States
Genres Rock
Occupations Musician, songwriter, producer
Instruments Guitar, vocals, piano
Years active 1969–present
Labels Ark21, Warner Bros., Capitol, Favored Nations
Associated acts G3, Joe Satriani, Alien Love Child, John Petrucci, Electromagnets, Mariani
Notable instruments
Fender Eric Johnson Signature Stratocaster|Dunlop Eric Johnson Signature Fuzz Face|Eminence EJ1250 Guitar Speaker
Eric Johnson (born August 17, 1954) is an American musician, songwriter, and vocalist from Austin, Texas. Best known for his electric guitar skills, Johnson is also a highly proficient acoustic, lap steel, resonator, and bass guitarist as well as an accomplished pianist and vocalist.
Johnson has mastered a wide array of musical genres evidenced by the many different styles incorporated in both his studio and live performances including rock, blues, jazz, fusion, soul, folk, New Age, classical, and country and western.[1]
Guitar Player magazine has called Johnson "one of the most respected guitarists on the planet".[2] His 1990 platinum-selling, full-length album, Ah Via Musicom, produced the single, "Cliffs Of Dover", for which Johnson won the 1991 Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance.[3]

Life and career

Born into a musically inclined family, Johnson and his three sisters studied piano and his father was a whistling enthusiast. Johnson started learning the guitar at age 11 and rapidly began progressing through the music that would heavily influence his future style, including Mike Bloomfield, Chet Atkins, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Wes Montgomery, Jerry Reed, Bob Dylan and Django Reinhardt, among others. At the age of 15, he joined his first professional band—Mariani, a psychedelic rock group. In 1968, Johnson and the group recorded a demo, which saw extremely limited release; years later the recording became a prized collector's item.[1][4][5][6][7]
After graduating from high school, Johnson briefly attended the University of Texas at Austin and traveled with his family to Africa. He eventually returned to Austin, and in 1974 joined a local fusion group called Electromagnets. The group toured and recorded regionally, but did not attract attention from major record labels and as a result disbanded in 1977. However, the strength of Johnson's playing attracted a small cult following to the group's early recordings, and decades later their two albums were given wide release on compact disc.[8][9]
The Electromagnets with Eric Johnson performing at N.C. State University, Raleigh, N.C., on April 11, 1976
Following the Electromagnets' demise, Johnson formed a touring trio, the Eric Johnson Group, with drummer Bill Maddox and bassist Kyle Brock. They played to audiences around Austin and in 1978 recorded a full length album entitled Seven Worlds. Although the album showcased the band's sound, contract disputes held up the album's release for several years. Seven Worlds was eventually released in 1998 on Ark21 Records.[10][11] Unable to secure a new management contract, Johnson began working as a session guitarist for some well-known acts, including Cat Stevens,[12] Carole King, and Christopher Cross, among others.[13] While a session musician, Johnson continued to perform locally, developing a flashy but tasteful electric guitar sound. His career rebounded in 1984 when he was signed to Warner Bros. Records. There is some disagreement about exactly how Johnson caught Warner Brothers' attention, with some reports suggesting that pop superstar Prince recommended him after hearing him perform on the public television program Austin City Limits. Others suggest that it was singer Christopher Cross and producer David Tickle who recommended Johnson to the label.[14] In any case, Johnson's major-label debut, Tones, was unveiled in 1986 with Tickle as co-producer.


In May 1986, Guitar Player magazine ran a cover story about Johnson. The article helped promote the release of Tones and brought Johnson critical praise as well as elevating his profile in the guitar and music community.[15] The album's track "Zap" was nominated for the 1987 Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance, but as a whole the album didn't sell well and Warner Brothers let Johnson's contract expire. He signed on with indie label Cinema Records, distributed by Capitol Records.[16]
By the time Johnson released his 1990 Capitol Records debut album, Ah Via Musicom, he was regularly winning awards for his musicianship in the guitar press. During this period, Johnson also drew recognition for the rich, violin-like tone he coaxed from his vintage Fender Stratocaster. The album's second track, "Cliffs Of Dover", exemplified his unique sound and won Johnson a 1991 Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance. Ah Via Musicom was a crossover hit, and was certified platinum.
Fellow Texan, the late comedian[17] Bill Hicks, opened for Eric Johnson on at least one occasion in the Eighties. The highly intoxicated Hicks made light of Eric's lack of hit singles, as well as his vegetarian and teetotal lifestyle, by suggesting that if Eric were to eat a Hamburger and drink a beer he would be able to write more popular songs. After this incident Bill Hicks was not asked to open for Johnson ever again.[18]
Johnson is an admitted perfectionist, and those traits seemed to work against Ah Via Musicom's follow-up release. Unhappy with his recordings, Johnson mastered, then later scrapped, several completed tracks for the new album and delayed its release for three years, on top of the three years he had spent touring in support of Ah Via Musicom. He also had setbacks involving musical growth and personal issues while recording his next album Venus Isle.[19][20]
Venus Isle was finally released on September 3, 1996. It was a unique album with world influences that demonstrated Johnson's growth as a guitarist, songwriter, producer, musical arranger and vocalist. But the album received mixed reviews and did not match the success of its predecessor. As a result Johnson was dropped from Capitol Records. He rebounded with a successful tour from October to November 1996 with fellow guitarists Joe Satriani and Steve Vai. Named the 'G3' tour, it resulted in a successful platinum-selling compact disc and DVD titled G3: Live In concert.
In 1998, Eric Johnson was among the judges in Musician magazine's "Best Unsigned Bands" competition, along with Ani DiFranco, Moby, Art Alexakis of Everclear, Keb' Mo' and Joe Perry of Aerosmith.[21]
In 1994, Johnson formed a side project called Alien Love Child and played shows sporadically while recording Venus Isle. The positive fan feedback from the shows made Alien Love Child a permanent gig. A live performance recording, Live And Beyond, was finally released in 2000 on Steve Vai's Favored Nations label, showcasing their new songs. The Alien Love Child project helped Johnson move away from his perfectionistic tendencies and loosen up enough to embrace and release a live album.[22][23][24]
Johnson eventually returned to the recording studio, releasing Souvenir in January 2002 on his own Vortexan Records. The album, released on the Internet, received nearly 65,000 plays in the first seven weeks after it was made available on[25] Johnson promoted Souvenir with an electric tour in 2003 and an acoustic tour in 2004.[26][27]
In 2004, Eric Clapton invited Johnson to perform at his first successful Crossroads Guitar Festival. According to Johnson, he was scheduled to perform onstage with Clapton, but it fell.[28]
Johnson's next studio album Bloom was released in June 2005, again on Vai's Favored Nations label. The album was divided into three sections with different musical styles, intended to showcase Johnson's versatility.[29] His December 1988 Austin City Limits performance was released on both DVD and compact disc on New West Records in November 2005. His instructional guitar DVD, The Art of Guitar (Hal Leonard Corporation), was also released at the end of 2005.
In January 2006, a man named Brian Sparks was arrested for posing as Johnson and in the process defrauding businesses out of about $18,000 worth of guitars and equipment.[30] Also in 2006, some of Johnson's guitars that had been stolen 24 years before were recovered.[31]
In September 2006, Johnson took part in a theatrical production titled "Primal Twang: The Legacy of the Guitar" – the first definitive theatrical journey through the guitar’s colorful and controversial 3,500-year history. In September 2007, Johnson participated in a second theatrical production by the same company titled "Love In: A Musical Celebration" in which he performed a Jimi Hendrix set, a tribute to the year 1967, often called "The Summer of Love".[32] Also in late 2006 Johnson participated in a second G3 tour in South America, with Joe Satriani and John Petrucci.
Johnson had been working on an all-acoustic project[33] and a live video from his 2006 Tour with Satriani.[34] However these were shelved in 2007 in favor of cutting a new studio album.[35]
His hit single "Cliffs Of Dover" appears in the game Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. Johnson has also signed up with "Operation Immortality", a project to create a digital time capsule of their DNA and humanity's achievements in the event of a global calamity.[36]

Guitar and equipment


Johnson is best known for playing stock Fender Stratocasters and Gibson ES-335 electric guitars through a triple amp setup that consists of Fender, Dumble and Marshall amplifiers. Johnson has also played other guitar brands such as Robin, Rickenbacker, Jackson and a Charvel, which appears on the cover of the Ah Via Musicom album. In 2001, Johnson added a Gibson Custom Shop '59 Les Paul Reissue to his guitars of choice.
Johnson has had several models built to his specifications for sale in the mass market. In 2003, C. F. Martin & Company released a limited-edition Eric Johnson Signature MC-40 guitar built to his specifications. Johnson donated 5 percent of the profits of the guitar's sales to his father's alma mater, Jefferson Medical College.[37]
In 2005, Fender released an Eric Johnson Signature Fender Stratocaster also built to his specifications. This was followed up in early 2009 when Fender released the Eric Johnson Signature Stratocaster Rosewood model, featuring the same specifications as the Eric Johnson Maple Neck guitar, with the addition of an unusual 3-ply, 8-hole white pick guard, hotter treble pickup and a bound rosewood laminate fingerboard with pearloid dot position markers.
Johnson has also released other signature gear such as GHS Eric Johnson Nickel Rockers Electric Guitar Strings, DiMarzio DP211 Eric Johnson Signature Custom Pickups, and a Fullton-Webb amplifier. Jim Dunlop also has released an Eric Johnson signature Jazz III plectrum and an Eric Johnson signature Fuzz Face. 2012 also saw the introduction of the Eminence Eric Johnson signature 12" alnico guitar speaker.


He uses effect pedals such as the BOSTON HEAVY METAL,[38][39] Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face, BK Butler Tube Driver, MXR KD IV Stereo Chorus, Vox CryBaby wah-wah[40], ToadWorks Barracuda flanger[41], Prescription Electronics Experience octave fuzz[42], Xotic AC Booster, MXR Flanger/Doubler, Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man delay, Boss Corporation DD-2 Digital Delay[43], MXR 1500 Digital Delay, Line 6 Echo Pro Studio Modeler, and up to two Maestro Echoplex tape delays.[44][45] All of these are connected to multiple A/B boxes to create sounds and tones that are both clean and distorted. Although the majority of Johnson's setup is vintage, he has recently started using more modern equipment, including a stereo chorus made by Analog Man and a Fractal Audio Systems Axe-Fx.[46]


In late 2006, Johnson switched from recording in analog[47] to digital format.[48]

Popular culture

Guitarist Alex Lifeson of Rush gave a thank you to Johnson in the liner notes of Counterparts for being the inspiration for the guitar solo in the song "Cut To The Chase".
Guitarist Steve Morse recorded a song titled "TruthOla", which is a tribute to Jeff Beck, Alex Lifeson, and Eric Johnson. The song is on Morse's album "Major Impacts".

Solo albums

Early singles played on

  • "Re-Birth Day"/"Memories Lost And Found" by Mariani (1970)
  • "Come In Out Of The Rain" by Jay Aaron Podolnick (1975)
  • "Talkin' About Her"/"It's All With You" by Christopher Cross (1976)
  • "Thermal Underwear" by Project Terror (Bill Maddox) (1977)
  • "That Rider Down" by Bill Colbert (1982)

Albums played on

Group albums

  • Perpetuum Mobile' by Mariani (1970)
  • Electromagnets by Electromagnets (1975)
  • Live and Beyond by Alien Love Child (2000)
  • Electromagnets 2 by Electromagnets (2006, originally recorded in 1976)


  • The Austin Christmas Collection by Various Artists ‒ "What Child is This" (1980)
  • The Austin Christmas Collection, Vol. 2 by Various Artists ‒ "What Child Is This" and "Is There A Santa Claus" (1983)
  • Guitar Speak by Various Artists ‒ "Western Flyer" (1988)
  • KLBJ's Local Licks Live by Various Artists ‒ "Camel's Night Out" (1990)
  • Instrumental Moods by Various Artists ‒ "Cliffs Of Dover" (1991)
  • Guitar's Practicing Musicians, Vol. 2 by Various Artists ‒ "Cliffs Of Dover" (1991)
  • KLBJ's Local Licks Live by Various Artists ‒ "Desert Rose" (1993)
  • True Voices by Various Artists ‒ "At The End Of The Day" with Susan Cowsill (1995)
  • KLBJ's Local Licks Live by Various Artists ‒ "S.R.V." (1996)
  • 13th Millennia Soundtrack by Various Artists (1996)
  • G3: Live In Concert by Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, and Eric Johnson (1997)
  • Merry Axemas Volume 1 by Various Artists ‒ "The First Nowell" (1997)
  • Guitar Gods by Various Artists ‒ "Trademark" (1998)
  • KGSR 107.1 Broadcasts Vol. 7 by Various Artists ‒ "Tribute To Jerry Reed" and "The Only Thing That's Real" (1999)
  • KGSR 107.1 Broadcasts Vol. 8 by Various Artists (1999)
  • The Best of Rockline by Various Artists ‒ "S.R.V." (1999)
  • Moods Box Set by Various Artists ‒ "Cliffs Of Dover" (1999)
  • Rock Guitarist Forever Best by Various Artists ‒ "Soulful Terrain" (1999, Japanese-only release)
  • KLBJ Local Licks Live by Various Artists ‒ "Shape I'm In" (2001)
  • Band Together by Various Artists ‒ "Shape I'm In" (2002)
  • Texas Guitar Slingers Vol. 1 by Various Artists ‒ "Enzo Shuffle" (2002)
  • Relief Fund Compilation Album Benefiting the World Trade Center by Various Artists ‒ (2002, unreleased)
  • Fender Stratocaster 50th Anniversary by Various Artists ‒ "Trademark" (2004)
  • Don't Mess With Texas Vol. 2 by Various Artists ‒ "Boogie King" (2004)
  • KGSR 107.1 Broadcasts Vol. 12 by Various Artists ‒ "Song For George" (2004)
  • Austin Music Vol. 6 by Various Artists ‒ "Sunarround You" (2007)
  • Keep Punching by Various Artists ‒ "Forever Yours" (2007)
  • Gibson Presents: Hot Tones in High Definition by Various Artists ‒ "World Of Trouble" (2008)
  • Various Artists: This is Fusion Guitar by Various Artists ‒ "Beck's Bolero" (2009)

Guest appearance work

  • Once Upon a Rock by American Peddlers ‒ "Circle Song" (1977)
  • Back to Earth by Cat Stevens ‒ "Bad Brakes" (1978)
  • Gene Morris by Gene Morris ‒ "My Friend" (1979)
  • Pearls by Carole King ‒ "Dancin' With Tears In My Eyes" (1980)
  • Johnny Dee & The Rocket 88's by Johnny Dee & The Rocket 88's ‒ "No More" (1980)
  • Christopher Cross by Christopher Cross ‒ "Minstrel Gigolo" (1980)
  • The Shake Russell/Dana Cooper Band by The Shake Russell/Dana Cooper Band ‒ "Waitin' Here For You" and "Goin' Down Judah" (1981)
  • Sunrise In Corpus Christi by Faron Evans (1982)
  • One to One by Carole King (1982)
  • Long Time Friends by Alessi ‒ "Rise Up" (1982)
  • Til You Came Along by Bobby Giles (1982)
  • Tomás Ramírez by Tomas Ramirez ‒ "SA Stroll" (1983)
  • World Beat by Dan Del Santo ‒ "Ain't That Askin' A Little Too Much?" (1983)
  • Pressure by Pressure ‒ "Save A Little Time" (1983)
  • Peripheral Vision by McColl & Tracey (1984)
  • Marc Anthony Thompson by Marc Anthony Thompson ‒ "Recover Gracefully" (1984)
  • Stand Up by Steve Morse Band ‒ "Distant Star" (1985)
  • Street Language by Rodney Crowell ‒ "Ballad Of Fast Eddie" (1986)
  • Guitar Speak by Various Artists ‒ "Western Flyer" (1988)
  • Willie Jones by Willie Jones ‒ "So Long Mary Jane" (1990)
  • Inside Out by Jay Aaron (Podolnick) ‒ "Ronda" (1990)
  • The Urge by Stuart Hamm ‒ "On Our Dreams" and "Lone Star" (1991)
  • Rush Street by Richard Marx ‒ "Keep Coming Back" (1992)
  • The Hunter by Jennifer Warnes ‒ "Lights Of Louisiana" and "I Can't Hide" (1992)
  • Rendezvous by Christopher Cross ‒ "Nothing Will Change" (1992)
  • Herman Harris & the Voices of Hope by Herman Harris (1993)
  • Read My Licks by Chet Atkins ‒ "Somebody Loves Me Now" (1994)
  • What The Hell Was I Thinking? by Dweezil Zappa (1994, unreleased)
  • Wave of the Hand by Carla Olson ‒ "I'm Tryin'" (1995)
  • Angelica by Various Artists ‒ "Ave Maria" (1997)
  • Merry Axemas by Various Artists ‒ "The First Nowell" (1997)
  • Angels, Horses & Pirates by Little Blue ‒ "Wait Until You Get Here" (1997)
  • Rosebud by Stephen Doster ‒ "There Is No Time" (1998)
  • Walking in Avalon by Christopher Cross ‒ "When She Smiles" (1998)
  • Koko's Hideaway by Van Wilks ‒ "Vanquila" (1999)
  • Fingers And Thumbs by Adrian Legg ‒ "Lunchtime At Rosie's" (1999)
  • Been A Long Time by Double Trouble ‒ "In The Garden" (2001)
  • Last Of The Cowboy Vampires by Lance Keltner ‒ "Chain Gang" (2001)
  • More To Life Than This by Mike Tramp ‒ "On The Good, The Sad, And The Ugly" (2003)
  • A Guitar Supreme, Giant Steps in Fusion Guitar by Various Artists ‒ "Resolution" (2004)
  • Fusion For Miles, A Guitar Tribute: A Bitchin' Brew by Various Artists ‒ "Jean Pierre" (2005)
  • Industrial Zen by John McLaughlin ‒ "New Blues Old Bruise" (2006)
  • Viva Carlos: A Supernatural Marathon Celebration by Various Artists ‒ "Aqua Marine" (2006)
  • Hero Shuffle by Rex Paul (Schnelle) ‒ "Hero Shuffle" and "Reminds Me of Austin" (2006)
  • Walk On by Roscoe Beck ‒ "Together All The Time" (2006)
  • The Devil Knows My Name by John5 ‒ "The Washing Away Of Wrong" (2007)
  • Freeway Jam: To Beck and Back by Various Artists ‒ "Beck's Bolero" (2007)
  • Lovers by Bobby Whitlock and CoCo Carmel ‒ "Layla" (2008)
  • From The Reach by Sonny Landreth ‒ "The Milky Way Home" (2008)
  • Bridging the Gap by Doyle Dykes ‒ "Red Clay" (2008)
  • Big Neighborhood by Mike Stern ‒ "6th Street" and "Long Time Gone" (2009)

Instructional DVDs

  • Eric Johnson: Total Electric Guitar by Hot Licks (1990)
  • Eric Johnson: The Fine Art of Guitar by Hot Licks (1996)
  • Eric Johnson: The Art of Guitar by Hal Leonard Corporation (2005)

Television appearances and videos

  • Austin City Limits (1984, 1988, 1996, and 2000)
  • One To One Tour (Video) by Carole King (1983)
  • Nova (PBS Special) – "Nautilus: 500 Million Years Under the Sea" The Chambered Nautilus (1987)
  • Live at the Bottomline, New York – Japanese TV broadcast (1990)
  • MTV Rock N' Jock Softball – performing "The Star-Spangled Banner" (1991)
  • The Tonight Show – performing "Cliffs Of Dover" (1991)
  • Jeff "Skunk" Baxter's "Guitar" – Japanese release – Warner Brothers (VHS and LaserDisc) (1991)
  • BB King And Friends...Live At The Woodlands by Houston PBS (1993)
  • Chet Atkins and Friends (TNN Special) ‒ "Read My Licks" (1994)
  • Baseball: Inning 9: Home by The Baseball Film Project (1994)
  • G3: Live In Concert by Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Eric Johnson (1997)
  • Electromagnets: Live on PBS Playback (1975) re-released on VHS (1998)
  • Double Trouble with Special Guests – Austin City Limits (2001)
  • House Of Blues (Webcast Live) – Alien Love Child Tour (2001)
  • Big Wreck and Friends (Webcast Live) – Roy Thomson Hall – Toronto, Ontario (2001)
  • Guitar Show – Australian Television Broadcast (2002)
  • Jennifer Warnes DVD-A from AIX – unreleased (2003)
  • Crossroads Guitar Festival (2004)
  • 107.7 The Bone Studios Radio Show (2005)
  • James Burton International Guitar Festival (2005, unreleased)
  • Live in Austin, TX (2005)
  • Satriani Live (2006)
  • Primal Twang: The Legacy of the Guitar (2006)
  • Love In: A Musical Celebration (2007)
  • Anaheim (Live) (2008)

Video games

Awards and chartings

  • Albums: